
Sheltering Arms offers volunteer experiences for individuals in all stages of life who are seeking a way to give back to others and their community. The root of volunteerism has been an integral part of Sheltering Arms’ rich history, and continues to be a stronghold for our clients and members, their caregivers, and team members. 

Volunteer Roles

Volunteers assist our teams with providing outstanding service and showing compassion to our clients, members, and their families. Thank you for your interest in helping us, help others.

Adult Volunteer

A person who volunteers on a routine basis with a set schedule/assignment.

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Community Program Volunteer

Individuals who are interested in assisting Sheltering Arms Community Program participants and staff with various activities such as arts and crafts, games, fishing, sports activities, special events, administrative duties, and more. This volunteer position is specific to our Midtown location; however, it does not require a set schedule.

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VolunTeen shifts are available on a routine basis and assist with tasks such as event support.

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Student Observer

Individuals who require observation hours as an application prerequisite for a graduate program, or those who wish to learn more about a specific discipline.

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Volunteer Requirements

Volunteers at Sheltering Arms are part of our team and are held to the same standards as our team members. Below are the general requirements to serve in a volunteer role at Sheltering Arms. 

  • Be at least 18 years old, or 16 years old to participate in VolunTeen program
  • Commit to volunteering 2-3 hours per week for at least a year, totaling 100 hours
  • Be willing to follow the organization’s appearance standards and all policies and procedures
  • Provide proof of immunizations for measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) and varicella (chickenpox); flu (if volunteering between October 1 and April 30); a tuberculosis (TB) test and assessment; and COVID
  • Complete and submit an application
  • Pass a background check
  • View a pre-recorded volunteer orientation presentation
  • Meet with a member of the volunteer services department to participate in a skills-matching conversation
  • Complete compliance and HIPAA training

Pre-Application Self-Assessment


  • Am I comfortable interacting with individuals from a variety of backgrounds who are in the healthcare environment for a variety of reasons?
  • Am I comfortable interacting with clients, members, guests, and team members while respecting boundaries and maintaining confidentiality?
  • Am I comfortable offering support that is respectful of those with different perspectives or beliefs and not personal in nature?


  • Am I able to commit to volunteering for a weekly shift for a year or longer?
  • In addition to my important work, family, and other obligations, will I be able to regularly volunteer with Sheltering Arms?

Regulatory Requirements:

  • Am I willing to submit the information required (including Social Security Number) for completing the appropriate background clearances?
  • Am I willing to complete an initial health screening that will include two tuberculosis skin tests and verifying certain immunities? (This process can require multiple trips to our health office during daytime business hours or be done through an outside provider at your own expense.)
  • Am I willing to receive a seasonal (annual) flu vaccine?
  • Am I willing to provide proof of having received the COVID vaccine?
  • Am I willing to complete an initial orientation, and ongoing regular training, as requested?